Golf Sponsorships for TFL Golf Outing for Pelotonia


Title Sponsor - $700

Sign on a tee box

Banner at check in station

Foursome to play in the Outing

Full page ad in the program

Recognition on social media, website, and dining room screens

4 One Month Memberships to The Fitness Loft

Competition Sponsor - $350

Sign on a tee box

Choice to sponsor Long Drive, Longest Putt, or Closest to the Pin competition (must provide a prize for the winner)

1/2 page ad in the program

Recognition on social media, website, and dining room screen

2 One Month Memberships to The Fitness Loft

Hole Sponsor - $200

Sign on a tee box

Logo in the program

Recognition on social media & website


Thanks so much for your support! Upon submitting this form you will be redirected to our Pelotonia Team Page to finalize your donation. We will be in touch to get your company logos and any other information we may need. See you on the links!